Masters in Education produces seeds & growth: By Kevin Pielak

Cover letter

March 28, 2011

To whom it may concern,

Please accept my application for all positions relating to Special Education particularly (LST) Learner Support Team Teacher and (Bases) Building Academic, Social and Employment Skills.

I have 24 years’ teaching experience in the shop area, particularly Metal work and Acad. Presently, I am taking my last course to complete my Masters in general special education. I decided to get my masters in this area because I found I was continually getting students with special needs in my class and I was not sure how to teach them. I still have much to learn but I now have a strong foundation to help me assist students with special needs and others. In fact, my masters experience and my teaching of BASES has inspired me to shift focus and now teach special education.

I am willing to teach any area of special education at either the elementary level or the secondary level. I may wish to concentrate in one area in the future but at this time I would like to teach a bit of everything in special education. Such as, life skills, English language learner and aboriginal education.  Getting my feet wet in all areas of special education would be a good learning experience that would make me more effective at providing diverse quality individual instruction that meets the students’ needs.  

I have amerced myself in many fruitful and diverse experiences from my life events, my teaching and my education. I have run as a candidate for the federal election, I earned my competent toastmaster award and I am married with 3 children. I have received a letter of congratulations from my superintendent, I have worked with both elementary and high school students, I have taught BASES, math 8, social studies, planning 10, helped with the year book, shop classes, drum making, survival course and I have 6 years’ experience teaching in a First Nations run school at which time I lived on the reserve. My education at UBC has provided me with a foundation that will guide me forward in providing my students with sound modifications and adaptations that will match their individual proclivities, capabilities and needs.

I am qualified and have the experience needed to teach students with special needs. I am a lifelong learner who has a passion for helping those in most need. I would be happy to give you more details in an interview. Thank you for considering my application and I am awaiting your response at your earliest convenience.


Kevin Pielak
Email:[email protected]